Discussions get things done

Make meetings quick and effective with pre-planned discussions

It's not like we need to tell you that discussion is just a fancy way to say talking, but we needed something to sound official.

Meetings are truly where work is done. We're not knocking async or "no meetings Wednesdays," but we do know that some conversations can not adequately be replaced by passive aggressive Slacks.

The problem people usually have with meetings is that they're unorganized and inefficient. Sesh fixes that. We have made room for discussion to take place, but in a more effective and engaging way.

How to have effective discussions in your meetings

When you add a Discussion to your Sesh agenda, you can pre-plan your meeting topics. You can add your discussion matter, and you can even add notes or questions if you have several things you need to talk about. Having a preset agenda even just minutes before the meeting will make sure every attendee is aware and aligned. You can choose how much time you spend on each topic so your meeting ends on time and without leftover undiscussed items. Who knew talking could be so simple?

Having a meeting agenda keeps your team aligned and allows people to pre-determine if they're even needed in the call.
Setting up discussion topics ahead of time allows your team to prepare their ideas and make decisions in advance.
Talking to your team is how work gets done.

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The interactive agenda that keeps your meetings on track and on time.

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